Welcome to

Vridhi Montessori School

Patronus Academy

Teacher Training

The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

Patronus is the brainchild of passionate educators with over twenty years of experience in the field of education. With the conviction that skill based conceptual learning and life skills are the need of the hour, The Academy was inaugurated on June 8, 2019. After school Skill enhancing programmes like Reading, Thinking and aptitude, self management, Soft skills, spoken English and Hindi,  are offered for students aged 3 and above.

Hello, it’s nice to meet you

We’re Your Team

Our Initiatives

The Global Thinkers

Brainstorm ideas on a given topic
Respond to HOTS and open ended questions

The Speech Weaver

Learn different ways of self-introduction
Develop group discussion and debating skills

The People Skills

Manage emotions in an effective and positive way
Acquire good communication skills

Learn for Life

Explore interests in literacy, math and science through a wide range of activities

The Books and Beyond

Read level appropriate text independently
Establish reading routines


Explore interests in literacy, math and science through a wide range of activities

Our Workshops

Spend quality time during weekends with our unique workWorkshops for teachers of pre-primary and primary years in story telling, eurhythmy, experiential learning, differentiation and student centric approach.
Workshops for students on communication, soft skills, learning through story telling.

What They’re Saying

“I could see my daughter getting more active and strong mind wise”

Sadhika's Mom

“Three hours without gadgets - experiencing fun, sharing thoughts and making friends”

Pranav's Mom

“A new thought of learning apart from regular courses”

Shilpa's Mom

“A new aspect of learning for my kid. he enjoys this ambience”

Vimal's Mom

“Kids are learning new things everyday”

What are you waiting for ?

Take Your Kids To New
Heights With Patronus